The swim leg will be held at Cass Bay thanks to ECAN’s suggestion not to swim in Corsair Bay even though all tests show the water is absolutely fine except after heavy rainfall.
1500m as 3 laps of 500m
How it will work
Athletes need to make their own way to Cass Bay from Corsair (it is ~1km so a nice warm up jog).
A numbered transition line will be set along the grass on the beach front. Upon exiting the swim athletes will remove wetsuit, put on run shoes and run 1km to Corsair Bay to start the bike leg. Prior to leaving the swim transition athletes need to stuff their wetsuit into a bag, we will provide a sticker to be placed on your bag.
Bags will be transported back to transition after all swimmers complete the swim leg to be collected at the end of the race
“Tuffnell Drainage” BIKE LEG
The bike is a very hilly ride around the harbour.
Cut off time for the bike is 2hrs45mins after the start of the race.
Olympic = 38-39km straight out and back to Orton Bradley Park and back.
RUN ~9.5km
The course will consist of 2 long laps + 1 short lap to finish.
2 long laps
Long lap description: Up the hill out of Corsair Bay, right towards Lyttleton on the footpath, right into Voelas Rd, right into Godley Quay, right into Charlotte Jane Quay, right into the carpark that leads to yacht club, behind the yacht club leading onto the track, follow the track back to Corsair Bay.
1 short lap
Short lap description: Up the hill, right towards Lyttleton on the footpath, hard right at the white gates that take you onto the track back to Corsair Bay.
The cut off time for the run is 4hrs15 after the start of the race. You can carry on to complete the course after this time but marshals will not longer be on the course.
Duathlon OPTION
Run #1 ~3.2km
Link to run #1
The start will be at Cass Bay by the boat shed/ramp.
Duathletes will run along past the swim transition zone joining the track to Corsair Bay
At Corsair Bay run up the track, past the two car parks to the road then complete 1 short lap on the run course before starting the bike leg
The race will start 10 minutes after the triathlon starts
The rest of the race is the same as the Olympic distance triathlon
Aquabike OPTION
The aquabike option starts with the triathlon. Unfortunately this year aqua bikers do need to complete the 1km run to transition thanks to ECAN
Aquabikers complete the swim (+1km run) & bike legs, rack your bike, exit transition as if you are starting the run leg turn and run down the finish chute.